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I enjoy to see what the deep learning can bring us the amazing experience. Hence, I focus my research in deep learning and computer vision. In addition, I love to explore the new backend skills, such as Container, Distributed System, and Database. Therefore, I want to bring my positive impact to our society.

  • 2D/3D object detection

  • Image Segmentation

  • GAN/RL

  • LSTM

  • Computer Vision

  • ​Distributed system

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Unlocking Life’s Mysteries

Home: Research
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July 10, 2019

Frustum PointNet is used to solve the object detection problem in 3D coordinates.

The Lidar cloud points are projected from 3D to 2D camera coordinates. Using the Frustum to restrict these points. Based on the object detection, it uses this to locate the interested points as the training data.​

After training, we can locate the objects in 3D coordinates from LiDar data with 2D data.

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Mar 15, 2018

I studied and implemented the model named Single Shot Multi-Box Detector.


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Jan 15, 2019

I used FCN model to segment the road from the image.

​FCN is a great beginning to solve this kind of problem.

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July 29, 2019

I joined the speed estimation challenge held by Inc. I use the end-to-end learning model from Nvidia and Optical flow as image preprocessing.

I conduct two experience with(improve from 2.40 to 1.0) or without the Kalman Filter.

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Feb 8, 2018

​I used GAN model to mimic the realistic car picture. I face over-fitting while training phase. I solve this problem after applying the Batch normalization.

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Jul 16, 2018

I research how to build the self-driving car through the website and Udacity. From the control theory, such as PID, MPC, and Kalman Filter, to deep learning such as SSD model, I have basic knowledge to build the self-driving car.



Oct 26, 2017

I used LSTM network to train chatbot based on the subtitle of "Game of Thrones".

Although the results is not well, I was still excited to finish this work.


Apache Kafka

I made two contributions to the open source project, Kafka.

  • KAFKA-4772: Exploit #peek to implement #print() and other methods #2955

  • KAFKA-4830: Augment KStream.print() to allow users pass in extra parameters in the printed string #3085

I proposed a new feature, KIP-160, allowing users to pass extra parameters in the printed string to improve debugging, released on Kafka-1.10.

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©2019 by James Chien.

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